
Berichten met de tag Art
Silent sea

Another Long Exposure of a jetty on the shores of Denmark. This is the same jetty of my previous post “Crabfishing”, slightly after father and daughter photobommed me…

I put the exposure on 30 seconds to completely smooth out the water.

This image is available in print. See the “Fine Art” section on my website.


After an absence of 3,5 years I am reviving the blog on my website to present my recent work.

I made this image together with Imre van den Bosch in the attic of an old empty house in my hometown of Utrecht which was up for sale at the time. It was a great opportunity to explore the character and vibe of the rooms and fit in our ideas

Imre van den Bosch is theatremaker, so finding interesting poses that tell a story in the deserted rooms of the house was a breeze.

Assisting me during the photoshoot was Joost Voets.


I have not been posting much lately, but that doesn't mean I have not been busy. Actually, busy is the word at the moment. There have been a lot of photography-projects and assignments going on recently and some exciting stuff coming up.

For one I am preparing a photography course in the south of France in May. There is still room for four participants if anyone is interested. Check out the website and this link for more information.

I am also working on organizing photography workshops this year for a small group of photographers. The first on the list is with smoke, fireworks and a model and the second will be with professional (ballet) dancers. All in/around Utrecht.

And there is more.

Today Art paid me a visit. Art does a lot of (fashion)model work and he wanted me to do some out-of-the-box photography with him. This is one of the results. The pose and lighting is inspired by a beautiful painting I saw a few months ago.

If you like my work and want to know more, you can contact me via